Do You Know the 80s?

Lots of people have tried 80s music quizzes, but you may not be one of them. 80s music are classics. Everyone has a favorite 80s band. What is yours?

If you do well on this quiz you are very cool. But if not oh well you should really listen to the bands and songs in the questions. You don't know what you're missing. The 80s ruled.

Created by: Jackson
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. In Guns and Roses what does slash play.
  2. Which song is by Arrested Devilment is Mr?
  3. Meatloaf which one of his songs was in Rocky Horror picture show.
  4. Who sang the song Whip it?
  5. Who is in guns and Roses?
  6. R. E. M sang the song Man on the.
  7. Lay down your guns was by.
  8. Queen sang the song we will.
  9. Video killed the radio star was by.
  10. Tainted love was by who.
  11. I don't like finish the last word.
  12. What the song Every breath you take called?
  13. The song by Kenny logins is Danger.

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Quiz topic: Do I Know the 80s?