Do you know random things about me?

Here are ten questions about me from when I first came to Gotoquiz! This quiz will be impossible but don't worry, you're not worse than anyone else bro.

I don't know why it used to take me so long to fill these boxes. It's literally 150 characters, that's like nothing. I guess I just used to be stupid.

Created by: S_E_
  1. How old was I when I first made my account?
  2. What was the reason I made the account?
  3. How did I find Gotoquiz?
  4. What forum was my first post in?
  5. Where did I make my first thread?
  6. What website did I move to after GTQ?
  7. What device did I first use GTQ on?
  8. Which of these was another account of mine?
  9. How many siblings did I lie and say I had?
  10. True or False: Gotoquiz will always be my home

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Quiz topic: Do I know random things about me?
