Do You Know One Direction

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This is a quiz to se how well you know one direction. I really dont know what else to put but i am required to have two paragraphs of at least 150 words each so here!!!!

Just take the quiz and see if you know one direction. You should or i advise you to not even click on this quiz. I hope you like babes! Stay beautiful and free!!!!

Created by: Marina
  1. When was one direction formed
  2. When was one direction formed
  3. When was one direction formed
  4. What are the band members names?
  5. What place did they come in at the x factor?
  6. When was harry born?
  7. When was niall born?
  8. When was liam born?
  9. When was zayn born
  10. When was louis born?

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Quiz topic: Do I Know One Direction