Do you know me?

This quiz will tell you if you know me. These are a bunch of random questions. There is one correct answer for most of them. You will get scored in percentage.

GoToQuiz wouldn't let me put a bunch of 😄s, so I'm going to complain about it. I wish GoToQuiz would let me put the same thing ver and over again. We don't always have something to write.

Created by: Ameliaka Hadlaka
  1. What is the name of the book I'm writing?
  2. How many letters were in the last name of my third grade teacher?
  3. What is my YeYa name?
  4. Do you even know what a YeYa name is?
  5. Okay then, what is a YeYa name?
  6. How tall am I?
  7. In my personal opinion, three plus three equals...
  8. Do you even get the last question?
  9. What's the most annoying club in my class?
  10. Do you think you know an Ameliaka Hadlaka

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Quiz topic: Do I know me?

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