do you know me?

Are you truly smart? Take the quiz and find out now!!! I tried to make it as easy as possible, so you should make 100% without even trying. This quiz is not hard at all I promise...

Are YOU a genius???? Just take the quiz to know for sure. IF you are a genius I will be very proud of you. IF you aren't one I will still love you. Either way it will be nice for you to find out for sure. Then you can move on from this day a more fulfilled person, afterall.

Created by: Caroline

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What are my dogs named?
  2. What country did we live in last year?
  3. What year did Darren and I get hitched?
  4. How many months early was I born?
  5. How many years have I taught in my own classroom of kids? (including this year)
  6. Where is my husband from?
  7. What kind of dog is Cooper?
  8. What about Howard?
  9. What color are my eyes?
  10. What is my fav. sport?
  11. but what sport used to be my favorite?
  12. What trip am I excited about taking this summer?
  13. What is our famous nickname?
  14. What did I want to be as a child?

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Quiz topic: Do I know me?