Do you know complex numbers?

This is a not-too-complex quiz about complex numbers. If you know about them, you shouldn't find it too hard, but if you don't know about them you can probably get quite a high score just by guessing :P

I don't think anyone will take this quiz :( I wonder why I made it? Maybe I was bored. But if you do take it, please PLEASE comment, because it would make me really happy :D

Created by: etotheipi
  1. What are complex numbers?
  2. Do you know the complex number song?
  3. If you picked the last answer, you will find out what the complex number song is at the end of the quiz... if you get a high enough score. Is it possible to get a complex score on this quiz?
  4. Which of the following equations is true?
  5. What was unusual about the last question?
  6. Which of the following are real numbers? 3.56, -7, 56/74, 2i, i+7, i^2, e-8.
  7. Which of these numbers are imaginary? 3+2i, i-7, i^3, 5+i^2, i^4, e+1
  8. Which of these answers is complex?
  9. On an Argand diagram, would you plot the real or imaginary component along the x-axis?
  10. The Euler formula (the one about complex numbers, that is) states:
  11. And finally, why do I have the name I do?

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Quiz topic: Do I know complex numbers?