Do you know Billie Eilish?

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Do you know your Billie Eilish facts? Let’s find out with this awesome quiz! What kind of music does she sing? Who’s she related to? What are the lyrics?

What does she look like in what year? How many awards has she won? Do you think you could pass this quiz 100%? Let’s find out how creepy you really are!

  1. Hello
  2. What’s her full name?
  3. What’s her brothers name?
  4. What’s her music genre?
  5. What is her moms name?
  6. What’s her dads name?
  7. When’s her birthday?
  8. What was her first song?
  9. Where was she born?
  10. Where was she born?
  11. That’s all for today! Sorry!

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Quiz topic: Do I know Billie Eilish?
