Many people are beliebers... or team jacob or even worse team edward.. some people just have no brains to realized the amazing people in the world. welll... then there are the MAHOMIES!!

ARE YOU A MAHOMIE!?!?! how much do YOU really know about AUSTIN MAHONE?!?! you might think you are but heres the ultimite test.. FIND OUT IF YOU ARE A TRUE MAHOMIE OR SOMEONE WHO WISHES THEY COULD BE AS AWSOME AND HOT AS AUSTIN!!!!

Created by: Austinsgurl17
  1. What is Austin's favorite color?
  2. When was Austin born?
  3. His fav candy?
  4. Wheres he live?
  5. His eye color??
  6. fav animal?
  7. hair color?
  8. how many siblings?
  9. middle name?
  10. pets?
  11. fav soda
  12. fav gum flavor
  13. best friend
  14. dogs name
  15. r u true fan??

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Quiz topic: Do I KNOW AUSTIN MAHONE?!?!