do you kin chuuya

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idk to see if you kin chuuya you read the title right? also i have dyslexia so if i dont spell something right dont come at my throat its not my fault or use improper grammar

tbh im convinced that all bsd fans likes cats and hates their irl friends or have friend issues something like that and commitment issues that will cause them to ghost people or cut them off

Created by: Axle
  1. confidence?
  2. issues?
  3. physical touch
  4. loyal?
  5. criticizing yourself for showing a slight bit of weakness?
  6. stubborn?
  7. fear of rejection?
  8. try to be enough?
  9. never showing other's how weak you uou actually are? ☺
  10. opinion on talking abt your feelings?
  11. not first choice?
  12. its giving mommy issues 😻
  13. tryna be the best at everything?
  14. Not them always leaving you πŸ˜’
  16. blaming yourself? (dw me too love 😻)
  17. also fun question that had nothing to do w this short tempered?

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Quiz topic: Do I kin chuuya
