What Warrior Cat are you most likely to be?

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This quiz will be about what warrior cat between a few of the characters you will probably be most suited as! This is my opinion so dont come attacking my throat over what character you get and what I described you as!

This is all random, so if it isn't like you go to another test. I did this late at night and am very tired from it. If you dont get one of your favorites or one that suits you keep trying with different answers until you get them. Also please answer as honest as possible the first time!

Created by: Adreanna
  1. What is your favorite color throughout these? Any shade.
  2. What temperatures do you like?
  3. Favorite animal between these?
  4. What do you like the best during the cold?
  5. What are some hobbies of yours?
  6. Who is your favorite Warrior Cats Villian?
  7. What are you most jealous of?
  8. What is your habitat?
  9. What gem?
  10. What are you called the most between these two?

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Quiz topic: What Warrior Cat am I most likely to be?

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