Do You Have What It Takes to Fight

There are a lot of people who think they know how to fight, but they really don't. They try to act all tough but they ain't. They are just bluffing they will get they're butts whooped.

Do you think you can win in a fight? If you do then take this quiz and find out for real/ you never know maybe you are or you ain't a fighting person. This quiz will so help you it is average?

Created by: big girl

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you think watching fights is fun?
  2. Do you think being in fights is a lot of fun?
  3. Do you think people get seriously hurt in a fight?
  4. Do you think slapping around boyfriends and girlfriends is ok if you need to keep them in line?
  5. Do people sometimes deserve to be hit?
  6. Do you think its ok to tell your friend to fight if they have been dissed?
  7. Do you think its alright to chicken out of a fight even if you think you would win?
  8. Do you think if you need to protect yourself you need to carry a gun?
  9. D you think parents who fight only affect themselves.
  10. Do you think people who know how to fight need respect?
  11. Do you think fighting solves a problem?
  12. Do you think fighting is cool?

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Quiz topic: do I Have What It Takes to Fight