Do You Have A Crush On Him? | Comments

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  • I used this quiz to find out if I like this one guy or not, and it really helped. Yes, I do like him. But I know he probably doesnt like me (I think??). But I met him through friends friends friends and we talk sometimes. He teases me and stuff, but he does that to everyone so idk

  • Your Result: You have a major crush on him! 78%

    You like this guy alot! You should try to get closer to him and hang out with him more. Or if he won't make a move, you make the first one! This guy means alot to you!

    He means a lot ot me, I spend time with him in school and sometimes in freetime. Both of us are usually alone in school and then we just hang out. One of his and mine friends has told me that he likes me so muvh but is too shy to say it. I work on a prohect in school with my crush cuz he asked if I want to do it with him. One time he was with some his friends outside in school, we were on oir phones cuz we were bored and I was a bit furter of them playing games and he came to ask me if I can record his jump over a 110cm fence (we are allowed to jump over it and if we want, we can put it lower) to him cuz he wanted to post a clip of it in tiktok. I did it and he was happy about it. I really care about him but i'm too shy to tell him of my fealings.

  • I absulotley love this guy hes in my year he's a rlly close friend but I'm not sure he likes me. We also have many mutual friends and spend most time together. He will also seize the chance when I'm free and want to spend time. Any help out there please

  • I got 98% major crush but I cant since he is straight (We are both males ;-;)

  • Do You Have A Crush On Him?
    Your Result: You have a major crush on him! 81%

    You like this guy alot! You should try to get closer to him and hang out with him more. Or if he won't make a move, you make the first one! This guy means alot to you!

  • %84!!! I really like this boy Carson I think about him all the time and I have told him I like him and I have overheard his friends say he should ask me out!!!WHAT DO I DO!!!

  • 85% major crush. I hope he likes me back ;)

    A Rose
  • 78% major crush.

    This is dead awkward because we only started talking three weeks ago. I bet he doesnt like me. Ugh Im such an idiot!

  • Aww, for f---s sake, I got the "major crush" option. I don't need to explain the s---show that is mine, but at least I know I'll probably never meet them

    Awesome Anon
  • UGH I HATE MYSELF FOR LIKING HIM!!!! I THOUGHT I WAS LESBIAN, AND I DONT WANT TO LIKE HIM!!! I WANT TO f---ING DIE RIGHT NOW. He is such a close friend, and I can't like him :( he has a gf, and he thinks im gay, and i thought i was gay, and he is the first male ive ever been attracted to. Someone kill me

    • Aww lovely my exact problem don't worry!!!

  • you just want to friends u r not crushing on him u just want to

    have a small friendship is what mine said

  • i was confused if i still like him so i took this quiz and i don't

    i am soo happy that i am not confused anymore

  • I think I have a crush on this guy who I just got a major leadership role at school with. I have known him since prep (we didn't talk at all though) but I changed schools and then he moved schools aswell and now we r in the same class. I'm not rly sure if I like him or not, because I like someone else (but ive liked that guy for over two years so that is going nowhere) . I keep having weird dreams that im dating this guy and I just don't know what to do?

    Also the gossipy girl in my class saw us talking to eachother after we were awarded our leadership things and she spread the rumour that we r secretly dating and that we like each other so that made it awkward between us.

    And on our school swimming day we were organising it and he came up to me (WITH HIS SHIRT OFF) and started casually talking to me and I was like WOAH THATS A LOT OF ABS b then after I walked away he put his shirt back on and I think he was trying to show of his abs or something but idk.

    I just don't know what to do because I like someone else and then there is another guy who I think likes me and then there is this guy and im so confuseddddd

    idk lol
    • lol that was a rly long paragraph but I guess I just needed to vent

      idk lol
    • Nah I get it. I would say I think he likes u. The guy you've had a crush on for two years might just be your brain used to a routine of liking him? Idk. But the good y who you think likes you, if you don't like him back then just leave it. Don't give him any signals bc that could send the wrong message. Just remember not to be mean either lol. But yeah if ur still not sure I would push yourself to the next level and see how you feel about that. Hope this helps ,

    • I think that he likes you, I've seen my crush many timea topless cuz we have been swimming/freediving and we had a lot of fun, I've liked him for about three years and I think that he likes me back, it is going somewhere. You should ask him if he likes you!

  • Ah i have a major crush on him hehe i think i do. He's 18 i am 18, he's an American & i'm English and we're so alike gosh he's on my mind 24/7 and whenever i think about him i smile like a crazy bish can't help it he's too nice and soooo charming so cute ah i dream/think about him all the time hmm hey his lips are perfect ah just want to kiss them maybe bang him nah lol but oO can be fun ;)

    He's just too nice, he's hot, cute, charming, wonderful, quite kind, superrr duperr cute again ah can i just keep him forever T-T i should be sleeping lol 4 am -_-

  • too bad mine is fictional

  • Eesh. I have literally taken like 50 quizzes hoping to get an answer OTHER than I have a crush on him. Because, he's like 12 and I'm 13 and Idk I hate being older than the guy lol Plus, I don't want a bf or anything, cuz I don't want anyone to have any power over me at all. I've gone through so much bad s--- that it scares me. But, I also want my dream life where I can actually be happy with someone. But, I think I'll stick with being my usual self. Aka, a certified b---- to everyone. (I have a lot of friends because of this, but none of them are real so guys, don't ever do what I do, cuz once u start being a b---- it's like you can't stop. But, it also ruins ur life. U pretend to be happy and not give a s---, but it is actually really hard.) But then again... I think he might like me to. Idk what to do. Any suggestions? lol

    • Damm, why the hell am I always older than my crushes by a couple months? Its so f---ing annoying, like my current crush rn is 5 months younger, than me, shorter than me and skinnier than me.

      This quiz said, I have a Major crush on him like 81% tbh I'd say a 60-85

      Is preety accurate considering that I got 81%, like girl it used to be 100%, but yeah my heart ain't beating, ain't no way I'm feeling butterflies, I only feel them when were in the same room together alone, and like one time, at this point my heart was beating some what like a bullet and then I felt a few butterflies , I was running up stairs to get my uhh.. water and he said "Why are you here?", I said *Talking* "I just gonna get my water bottle and Cap" and I saw him eating, *trying to hold breath* *huuuhh* and then in my head I was like ; "Wtf, why is here he isn't supposed to be here?"

      And so I ran outside, tried to get oxygen and then cought up w/ everyone else and then drank water to line up. ( I like him like alot, idk but he doesn't care like today he said my old nickname, like loudy then I tried to get my project out of hus hands and then I said "thxs" and then he didn't let me, but like after, that he did and I giggled (* laughed* ) and then he smiled at me for 1 second then laughed :) !!!!

      Best MEMORIES IF 2023, NEXT TO HIM ASKING IF I WANTED TO GO BIKING W / HIM AND HIS FRIEND, THE MOMENT HE ASKED IF HE COULD SIT NEXT TO ME, SO I COULD MOVE SO HE COULD SIT NEXT TO ME DURING THE VARITY SHOW ( AKA , THE PLACE I PERFORMED A SONG, W / MAY MAY ) *SIGHS CUZ SHES BLIND FOR HIS CUTENESS* so earlier today, I heard him fake crying and then I thought that it was cute cuz his face was turning redish, tan and uhm his eyes and haircut blew my mind , cuz he stole my heart like with blink of a strange laugh, the worst rejection turned into my impulsive attraction becoming auto,homo attraction, ( I was trans ) not any more but thats How I was Gay, okay ya'll girlie's need to Slay the morn' and afte'noon


    • Ikr! Literally the exact same as u. It's so hard cuz I also don't want anyone to be able to break me with just a few words. But on the other hand, I also want to be happy. And my friends and fam don't help with that aspect, cuz they both suck. What did u do though? Or have u not done anything yet?? lol

  • Damn bro whys everyone like in 6-7 grade. Im in highscool . Anyways i cabt like this guys cuz i have a gf but i dont think i like her that way. I dont know how to break up with her though. So i cant afford to have a crush on him. But i cant help it. Im constantly thinking about him, looking for him. Agh. Im so confused.

  • Ugh I have a crush but I'm in 7th grade he is in 11th but he has no friends and we had a party at school where we got to do anything they had until school ended they had games set up and things in the longe the halls were empty expect me I have no friends I went to go in the computer room and he was there we have a lot in common we are just to afraid to talk to each other I saw he was looking at me

    • My crushes names is sebastian um in asbury and he hate me

  • 😭😭😭

  • And his friends told me that he kinda thought i looked good and like omg omg omg now it’s getting worse and I’m getting obsessedddddd omg i need to calm myself, what if he actually likes mee!!!! What if he doesn’ttttt!!!!! Ughhhh why is life so hardddddd!!!!!?!??

  • I got 81% and jt sucks bc i just got over him at the start of this school year.. now he meddled his way back into my life and now i have a crush on him again. BE GONE I can’t date himmmmm he is troubleee!!!! What’s even worse is that he knows i like him or at least my friends told him i did when i never said anythingggg omg someone send jesus to save meee

    • Trouble isn't always a bad thing. Unhealthy relationships can be bad, but it really depends on what the person is really like compared to what they act like. I would know, cuz I'm the kind of person who has a never ending facade in place. Nobody knows what I'm really like compared to how I act. Anyways, since this was from a year ago, what did u do??

  • 93% You like this guy alot! You should try to get closer to him and hang out with him more. Or if he won't make a move, you make the first one! This guy means alot to you!


  • i got this is far from a crush-thank god, i feel weird when im near him but hes a total idiot

  • 12. I had a dream I had a crush on him and he kind of knew. He came up to me (I was sitting at a table) and put his hands on the table and said, "Megan, I think you might have a little crush on me." I don't really remember the dream very well. Also, it said I don't like him very much.


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