Do You Have a Coffee or Tea Personality

We all know ya just don't function without a big cup of Joe lol. So while sitting in your favorite chair reading the comi... Oops I mean the latest news, try this hopefully amusing quiz. You'll see caffeine in a whole new way, at least in a mildly amusing way. Oh if your a tea drinker this quiz will be an entertainment for your afternoon get together.

Does coffee get you going? Does a cup of afternoon tea relax you? Can you remember the price of every coffee brand at your local supermarket better than your anniversary (shame on you lol) or are you just bored and this seems mildly interesting? Either way it may be fun?

Created by: shelby
  1. Do you handle things quietly or aggressively?
  2. Are you rugged?
  3. Are you dainty?
  4. Social or loner.
  5. Can you keep a secret?
  6. Do you drink water?
  7. What's your favorite color?
  8. Are you awake
  9. Are you bored yet?
  10. Did you find this entertaining?

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Quiz topic: do I Have a Coffee or Tea Personality