do u like wolves?

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Wolves are my favorite thing in exsistance ever. They are ;loved by all my friends as well. they are pretty much the perfect example for humans.

Wolves are loyal and respectful. they do have a order but they will care for everywolf if they are sick. they respect those above them and do not insult them wolves are amazing.

Created by: steeve
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how many friends do u have?
  2. whats your favorite food?
  3. in a group what position are you?
  4. how do people discribe you
  5. whats your favorite animal?
  6. whats your favorite color?
  7. do you prefer to be alone or in a group?
  8. true? or false? when your sad you have many suportive friends to cheer you up.
  9. would you rather be out in the open or in a small room?
  10. do you like wolves?
  11. Y r u taking this quiz?

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