DNI quiz - Should you interact with me?

This is a Do Not Interact test. Yes, people will disagree with me, and no, I don't want them interacting with me personally. It's not hard to get a good score on this, really, just don't be a frickin a--hole. If you are an a--hole, you'll get a bad score, and if you try to push your a--hole-ic opinions on me, then I'll just fight you. Ain't hard to have an opinion and be civil about it.
Basically, we're chill if you aren't an a--. I don't really care if you agree with me entirely or not, just use logic (up to date), or your morals (of, y'know, not being an a-- to people) and don't be stupid. I will call you out if you are, I ain't afraid of conflict. There is obviously bias and, basically, I'm here to mock stupid people who think people being different is the end of the world as we know it and can't progress and change.