decttective part 1

me. me. me is bored bored as a piggy in a big fat tummy, probably my brothers stomach! so yea, im way bored now so yea. World. Bores. Me. Too. Bored. To. Type. Very. Bored. To.

Correct. Bored. Too. Bored. Watching. Television. Suite. Life. Of. Zach. And. Cody. London. Has. To. Study. Greek. Mythology. She. Is. Dreaming. But. Woke. Up. Right. Now.

Created by: blahbloo
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. u hear crying on a dark raining day. u go downstairs to see ur mom crying at ur dead dad. a police near by is crying to.u stare at the broken window near the police.
  2. the police asks,"i kindly ask u two to please let me have some private time wit my long...loved boss..." u think,"but my dad says nobody ever loved him.o.o"
  3. so u head out and sit on ur porch while ur mom heads for work. u find that ur mat is bumpy and look under. there is a bloody knife and on the handle says the initials "D.C" u feel a cold chill.
  4. u break the door open and u see the police stabbing ur dad! u run upstairs pretending u didnt see anything. the police chases after u. u run to the...
  5. u go to the attic and lock the door. u find a weird square sticking out and a letter. u read the letter that says
  6. Dear ___, i hope ur safe! plz see that under this is a sword in case of any harm. hav good use to it. Love Dad.u start crying but then the door breaks open!
  7. pretend u pick choice two. he comes in and says,"i thought i saw _____ come in!" u peek out. u look at his red shininng eyes but then faint.
  8. u wake up but only to see urself in a small cage chained up. he sinister smile appears with the knife. u suddenly scream,"WHO R U'???" he says,"Devilinar Cills(kills pronounced)"
  9. u blackout and if u picked the last choice u blacked out TWICE! the last words u hear is,"ill decideweather now or later...____"
  10. u wake up to see him about to stab u but u roll and the chain suddenly breaks and so does the cage and u run out!
  11. this part was a little weird cuz i did w/e my mind told me so ya...hoped u liked it!

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