dbz know it all test

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I made this test to see what people could be,what would the world be if we all where aliens from another planet,not actually I just made this test because I was bored

Who do you think you would be if you where part of an alien race unknown to mankind a true warrior. find out to discover for yourself with each answer your fate sways. Do it.

Created by: tristian
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Pick element
  2. Favorite ninja turtle
  3. If reporters where at your door what would you do
  4. Favorite holiday
  5. In a fight do end with style or simple
  6. What do you do when your bored
  7. If you met a saiyan who wanted to fight what would you do
  8. What planet would you live on
  9. If you saw the andriods killing gohan what would you do
  10. What is the meaning of life to you

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