Dating Advice! Help?

I need some advice regarding three girls who I may consider dating. Please read the questions, then leave a comment telling me who you think I should go for and why. Thank you!

I need some advice regarding three girls who I may consider dating. Please read the questions, then leave a comment telling me who you think I should go for and why. Thank you!

Created by: Firestar3208
  1. Please scroll up and read the top paragraphs.
  2. All right. first off, thanks for taking this quiz. Please leave a rating at least, and if you want, please leave a comment.
  3. There are three girls I'm considering right now. For privacy's sake, let's call them A, B, and C.
  4. I live in California, and B lives in Arizona. I visit there sometimes, but I don't really know B, and she's kind of shy. She's really pretty though, and she has high cheekbones and long brown hair. We don't really talk though, and I'm not the confident type.
  5. I've been in a relationship with A before, but we broke up due to unforeseen circumstances. We are still friends, but it's kind of a like-semi-dislike relationship. I'm sure A still likes me from the way she acts when I'm around. She likes to sit next to me.
  6. C is kind of out of my league. We are very good friends, and I have noticed many signs that she likes me. She blushes, kind of likes to be near me when I'm around, and sometimes she looks at me and looks away. But I'm very good friends with her parents too, and it would be very awkward if we were in a relationship. However, C is pretty as well. She has long brown hair and hazel eyes.
  7. Please leave a comment telling me who you think I should go for. Please!
  8. Forgot to mention. A has long blonde hair and blue eyes. And A is the same age as me, but I'm older by a few months; B and C are both one year younger.
  9. Questions 11 (You need at least 12 to make a quiz)
  10. Please leave a comment! (Please don't kill me for asking again.)

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