could you survive in the wild?

The main characteristic of deserts is that they are extremely dry. Because humans need so much water, surviving in deserts is very difficult. Not only is it difficult for humans to survive in deserts - it is also hard for animals, plants and other forms of life to live.

.Yes, only 4! Water, Shelter, Food, Warmth. Hopefully, you will have survival skills to help you get these 4 things – like having emergency food and water rations, a tent for shelter, and matches so you can make a fire to stay warm. But, if not, don't despair.Suddenly you are alone in the wilderness. What will happen to you? Take this test to find out! Take the quiz

Created by: lia woods
  1. are you a girl or boy
  2. how do you make fire
  3. what animal wold you find and tame?
  4. what shelter would you make
  5. you have a backpack and see supplies, what do you take?
  6. do you hunt at night or day
  7. do you try to survive in the wild
  8. do you have anxiety
  9. do you like the cold
  10. do you like warmth

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