Could you survive a zombie out break?

Many people think that they can survive the zombie apocalypse but can they really??????????????????? ????????? My guess is probably not but you never know!

Zombies zombie zombies zombie zombies zombie zombies zombie zombies zombie zombies zombie zombies zombie zombies zombie zombies zombie zombies zombie.

Created by: d7smartgirl
  1. Is a zombie virus possible?
  2. How dose the virus spred
  3. To kill a zombie you...
  4. Quick you have 2 hours before the wave of zombies reach your city! You...
  5. Are you a preper?
  6. Have you read "the zombie survival guide"
  7. Do you have a gun?
  8. Do you have any survival skills at all this includes hunting boys and girls
  9. Can you handle a knife pretty well?
  10. Are you a fast runner?
  11. Do you think you will survive?
  12. Tell me of I ohould add more to this!!!

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