Could you be my boyfriend?

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Would you be a possible boyfriend for me? Take this quiz and find out!!!!!! Remember to rate and comment!!! My real name is in the last paragraph, kk?

Can YOU be my boyfriend? Take this quiz and find out!!!! Remember to rate and comment!!! My real name is in the last paragraph, kk? COMMENT!!!! :):):):):)

Created by: ACB

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How old are you?
  2. What color is your hair?
  3. What color eyes do you have?
  4. How do you do in school?
  5. Are you kind?
  6. Do you play any sports?
  7. Will you plz oh plz comment and give a good rate? (Does not effect score)
  8. How much do you want to be my bf?
  9. On a scale of 1 to 10, how cute are you?
  10. Are you ready for you're results?
  11. My real name is in the closing paragragh,kk?

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