Conflict Style Survey | Comments

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  • Your Result: Smoothing; Accommodating 81%

    Smoothing style of conflict management can be described as placing low emphasis on the goal, but high emphasis on the relationship with the person involved. "OK, whatever you say. We'll do it your way !" Someone adopting this style can be described as protective and "soft' on relationships. They set aside their needs for the other person and will yield to the other point of view. They are highly cooperative and can be described as a "yes' person. They want to build good faith and relationships for the future. The other person may learn from the experience and the risk is low. However, the risk include s a lack of healthy confrontations, and the person may feel taken advantage of. This ma y also frustrate others who want to collaborate. The power in this style of conflict management comes from relationships and approval of others.

    68% Problem Solving; Assertive
    54% Compromising
    38% Forcing; Aggressive
    0% Withdrawing; Nonassertive


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