Confinement Part 11 | Comments

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  • um, i can't decide between rave and flame.... WHY!

    QOD: i hate megan, but not that much with brittany. if brittany stabs megan in the back and helps me out instead, then it'll be cool between us. SOMEBODY KILL MEGAN AND HER LITTLE GANG RIGHT NOW!

  • I love you so much for writing this series, they keep getting better and better! I have undecided feelings towards Brittany....

  • I knew I was forgetting something ok QOD: hmmm I can't rly decide but Im leaning towards not liking Brittany idk I jst have these bad vibes like she's one of those mean popular girls and ppl say she's nice cuz they're scared idk jst my thoughts on things

  • Wowww those tattoos are sooo cool @__@ and tht whole paper ball-drawing thingamajig reminds me of spongebob anybody remember tht? When Patrick goes to boating school and spongebob gets in trouble? ANYWAYYYYYS I still can't decide on who i like but hopefully the new guy will make it easier for me ;) one way or another! ok imma go eat some tacos and watch Elmo lawl jk I like blue's clues >__< ^___^

  • All right, okay, it's about time we request a peephole for our door! It's creepy not knowing who's on the other side o.o Oh goodness, I'm already slightly hyperventilating... in a small room with Rave and those are awesome swirly tattoos. Ouch, rude >;/ paper ball to the head... whoa... someone is reading my mind o.o is it a new guy? =o is it, is it, is it??? Of course you're not telling XD -.- it's THOSE girls... that Megan's got a devil spirit... just saying...

    *sings* I love Confinement... Confinement not necessarily confinement XP can't wait for part 12! But, lo, hark! Is that the sweet siren music of a new story to be discovered? Ah, story ho! Unforgotten Secrets is on the horizon! I must be off! (I have no idea why I wrote that like a sailor o.O)

  • YES RAVE IS MINE! :D THANKS FOR INCLUDING THAT! Our couple name is Raveresa and we're gonna have two kids. x3 one of each. Not sure on names yet. . . HE'S MINEEEE! :D

    Britney is okay so far. Probably going to turn out being a beotch though.

  • @everybody

    guys! If you're looking for Unforgotten Secrets, there is a separate account for that; it's not on mine! You can see it on gotoquiz(.)com/prof ile/CometDannica


  • ANYONE WHO THROWS s--- AT ME DIES! I swear... These girls are horrible. I hate girs, I truly do. They are just so evil! I love this series by the way :D Just so you know. Just make them longer... and quicker... with more action with Rave and Flame... I'm demanding, I know. BUT YOU'RE JUST SO GOOD! Oh! I lookedup how to peel a banana the right way and it made me laugh cause there were drunk brittish dudes and they were lke "It has a handle now!" It was funny... Just not when I repeat it... ANYWHO QOD:I don't trust Brittany. She seems really fake and I bet she can be JUST as mean! OMG KEYBOARD! WHY ARE YU DYING! JUST LET ME TYPE RIGHT!

    PART 12!!!

  • Where's Flame? Oh look Rave *sings rave song* Haha, did you listen to the pretty rave girl song? You should XD Why doesn't rave want me to find out about him? That's just unfair. He's my savior and knows a lot about me and now he just doesn't want me knowing about him? Unacceptable!

    QOD: I have to know Brittany to comment on her XD

  • It wasn't that exciting without Flame....xD Jk. Rave was just fine. He's really too sweet (can I squeeze those dimples?) The options that you write every time makes most of my day. Really :) Unforgotten Secrets. Is it going to start out slow? Or normally? I don't mind at all because either way, I'm gonna see Alex :D Well I'll be waiting at all times because my mind is just a blur right now and I can't figure out the time zones.

    QOD: I don't like Brittany. Period. She reminds me of the side girl of the posse that's just as able. Until she back stabs Megan or something because she's JUST AS MEAN. Imma search up the right way to peel a banana now ^-^

  • hurry up and make part 12

  • This was wonderful your wonderful. Anyway NEXT PART!!


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