This quiz is to see if you like cheese. Or to see if your a cheese geek like me. This quiz is totally a geeky quiz that I made cause I have a lot of time on my hands so take it or not I don't care just have fun taking the quiz.

Well take the quiz to find out. And have fun doing it bounce in happiness that you did . Its o. K. If you take this quiz were in the same boat. Have fun taking the quiz.

Created by: julia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What effect does the word cheese have on you?
  2. Do you think you like cheese?
  3. Do you know where they process cheese in Switzerland?
  4. Do you know the cheese capital of america?
  5. Do you know the cheese captial of the world?
  6. Have you ever been to cheese.Com.
  7. Does cheese sound good with chocolate?
  8. Have you ever had a dream cheese related.
  9. Does cheese sound good right now?
  10. Does germany produce cheese?
  11. Do you know how many brands of cheese there are in the world?

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