Character Contest {Svengali} | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Character Contest {Svengali}.

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  • Heloooo!
    Name: Emma Waterwood
    Age: 13
    Gender: Female
    House: Team Cats!

    Personality: Emma has a younger sister so she is used to explaining things to people, she loves debating with people even if she has no chance on winning, she is brave when it comes to roller coasters, but when it comes to people she doesn't know that well she might be a bit awkward, when she becomes friends with someone she shows her excitement and energy, Emma is used to being excluded so she doesn't really care anymore, she is easily insulted even when she doesn't show it. Oh! And she can be a tricksy little hobbit when she wants to.

    Looks: she quite pretty, her eyes are greenish greyish, she is a bit tall for her age, she has dark brown hair, her hair is usual really messy, her hair goes to the middle of her back, she has bangs

    Ya... I put a lot of thought for this character, but you can change anything if you want

  • Incase you want to copy this here's the template !

    Age (from 12-16):
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