Cavernclan: The Beginning Prologue

Cavernclan, the clan of the tunnels. Have you ever heard of it? As the rivals of Jayclan and Sunclan, Much of their day is spent fighting or hunting. Or training. But a mysterious prophecy has been hanging in the heart of one young cat; Nettlestar, Leader of the clan.

What will happen? Will nature destroy the clan? Or will the clan prevail? What will happen to the cats that make up this Cavern-dwelling clan? Read on to see! (I do not own Warriors. This is just a story about a fantasy clan. Also, many of my friend own these cats. But I will not go in and say who owns who, since SOMEONE owns half the clan. The people who have cats mentioned are; OmegaWolf9, Omega_Wolf, LuckyFirefly, and Rave098.)

Created by: Rave098

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  1. A lone Black she-cat stood at the edge of a cave, gazing into it as several cats walked by. 2 were supporting the body of a large Gray tom, and another 2 holding the body of a calico she-cat. The cat gazed on as the procession proceeded, her eyes wet with tears. Knowing it wouldn't do well to appear weak in front of her clan, the Black she-cat blinked the tears away, and turned to face an old she-cat standing behind her. Smiling grimly, the old she-cat let out a meow, "Are you ready to go?" Nodding solemnly, the 2 began to make their way out of the tunnels they called home. Soon they emerged into a small Plain, with the faint images of Mountains in the distance. They continued towards the ring of rocks near the mountains briskly, knowing they were on enemy territory. They quickened their pace as the soft pitter-patter of a cat walking on grass made its way to them, hot in pursuit of the 2 cats. They began to run as more footsteps sounded, signaling an enemy patrol. Glancing over their shoulder, the 2 could faintly see cats racing after them. The she-cats stopped, knowing they were outnumbered and at the other cats' mercy. The other group approached and encircled the she-cats, while the lead cat hissed, "Cavernclan! What are you doing in our territory?"
  2. Keeping calm, the older of the 2 Cavernclan cats let out a meow, "We're on our way to the Moonpool. Stonestar is dead." A ripple of surprise went through the opposing cats, and the leader dipped his head. "You may pass. I am sorry to hear Stonestar is dead." The group parted, letting the she-cats pass. The younger of the 2 let out a small sigh of relief as they walked away. The older she-cat gave her a look that silenced her at once, and they continued to the small ring of rocks at the foothills of the mountain.
  3. The 2 cats arrived, weary and exhausted, at the ring. The moon was high in the sky when they finally climbed over the ring of rock and saw a pool of water, water so deep none could ever see the bottom in the daylight, but, when the moon was as high in the sky as it could get, you could see down Starclan. Or that's what the stories said. For the Younger cat had never visited this place, and she had never been told what really happens there. Gazing at the older cat, the younger asked, "Softcloud? What do we do?" Softcloud chuckled, and then replied, "Lay down at the water's edge, and look deep into the pool. You won't have to do anything else on that part!" With a nervous chuckle, the younger cat laid at the water's edge, and gazed into the pool. A bright light filled her vision, and she closed her eyes to shield them.
  4. The old she-cat opened her eyes in a grassy field, the moon shining bright above. With a groan, she slowly stood up, stretching her legs. She took a quick glance to her left and saw the younger cat laying there, her flank not moving. Knowing what would happen in a second, the older cat sat down and curled her tail around her paws.
  5. The younger cat felt... cold. Her fur was flat on her body, and she couldn't move. Her eyes were open, but there was only darkness and silence...
  6. The younger cat felt... cold. Her fur was flat on her body, and she couldn't move. Her eyes were open, but there was only darkness and silence...
  7. After an immeasurable amount of time, sight returned to the young cat, as did her other senses. Stiffly, she slowly stood up, and finally noticed her surroundings. Cats encircled her, cats with pelts that shone like the stars. Thousands of cats sat in 2 groups, with a small line of space between them. The younger cat gaped at the sight, her emerald eyes showing her surprise and wonder. A voice then spoke, a voice that sounded like every cat she ever knew, but also some other voices, voices she never heard. There was an eerie voice that stuck out among the others, the eerie voice of a young cat. Another stuck in her head, the bright voice of a hyper young cat. Realizing these were the voices of cats she had yet to meet, the young cat gaped again, then quickly nodded and meowed, "Yes, I am."
  8. Gorsenose turned away, and walked back to the Starry ranks. Another cat walked up, this one a sand-colored tom. "I am Sandpelt, the father of Nighttail. With this life, I give you Strength to lead your clan well." A bolt of pain went through her, and the cat felt like she was ordering the clan to the best of her abilities.
  9. Sandpelt walked away, and a familiar she-cat calico emerged from the crowd. "Sweetpelt!" The young cat yowled, greeting her newly-dead former mentor. Sweetpelt smiled, and meowed, "I'm proud of you, my apprentice. With this life, I give you energy to mentor many cats for the moons to come." A Bolt of pain, smaller than of the rest, went through the young cat. She felt like she could climb the tallest mountain, fight the fiercest fox that ever lived, and fly higher than an eagle!
  10. A small tabby tom emerged from the ranks, and meowed, "Hello, Nettlewish." Nettlewish didn't reply. "You don't know who I am, do you? After all, I am your Grandfather!" Nettlewish, looking bewildered, didn't reply, and the tom laughed. "'bet you didn't know that, did you? I am Eagleheart, former deputy of Sunclan. With this life I give you Selflessness to do what's right." Nettlewish and he touched noses, and a large and long bolt of pain shook her. She felt as if she'd give up her life to save an evil cat cat that could have killed the whole clan.
  11. Eagleheart walked away, his tail twitching, and another cat emerged from the ranks. This one was a cream-colored kit, one that looked too young to be dead. With a small huff, the kit meowed. "I am Nettlekit, your Namesake. With this life, I give you love, for your family and clan." The 2 touched noses, and Nettlewish let out a gasp. She had expected this life to be kind and warm, but it filled her with pain, courage, and strength all at the same time. The kit stepped away, and padded back to the ranks of starry cats.
  12. Next, a small gray she-cat padded over, and smiled. "I am Silverpaw. You probably don't remember me, since I died not too long after you joined the clan." Silverpaw took a step forward, and muttered, "With this life, I give you hope to lead your clan through troubling times." They touched noses, and Nettlewish felt no pain, only hope and happiness. Silverpaw dipped her head, and walked back towards the ranks of cats.
  13. Then, a small white She-cat emerged from the group, and padded towards Nettlewish. She looked like a small snowflake falling in the air. She stopped in front of Nettlewish. "I am Snowflake, a former queen of Cavernclan. Stonestar was my kit, and I am sad to see him with me here in Starclan. But I know you will be just as great a leader as him, maybe even more. With this life I give you love for cats that depend upon you, for the weak and the young." They touched noses, and fierce pain affected Nettlewish. It was the worst so far, the fierceness of the love of a mother.
  14. Then, a small white She-cat emerged from the group, and padded towards Nettlewish. She looked like a small snowflake falling in the air. She stopped in front of Nettlewish. "I am Snowflake, a former queen of Cavernclan. Stonestar was my kit, and I am sad to see him with me here in Starclan. But I know you will be just as great a leader as him, maybe even more. With this life I give you love for cats that depend upon you, for the weak and the young." They touched noses, and fierce pain affected Nettlewish. It was the worst so far, the fierceness of the love of a mother.
  15. Another tom stepped forward, a dark gray one. With a squeak, Nettlewish rushed to meet him. "Graylight!" She purred to the former medicine cat. With a smile, Graylight began his part. "With this life I give you knowledge and wisdom to make the right choices." He touched her nose, but there was no pain. Only understanding.
  16. Finally, a light gray tom padded up, his head held high. "Stonestar..." Nettlewish whispered. Stonestar silenced her with a twitch of his tail. "With this life I give you Self-control to control all of your problems and appear to be indifferent, which helps when dealing with the clan." They touched noses, and there was more pain than ever before, in every fiber of her being. The pain faded a minute later, and Stonestar went back to the ranks of cats. Then, a chorus of voices yowled out, "Nettlestar! Nettlestar!"
  17. A second later, the cats faded. Well, all but one. Snowflake stood in front of her, and she meowed in a voice like ice,
  18. "Beware of Nature, leader of the tunnels. For it is against you, letting loose many terrible storms, storms unlike any before. A Blizzard shall strike, storms shall clash, Floods shall fill your home, and fires will burn away all in its path. But there is hope, for there will be cats born to prevail and push back the evil that shall soon engulf your clan. If they do not, though, then the clan of the tunnels shall be no more."

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