Can you reach the secret fourth level of awesomeness

This is my second quiz of my 2 quizs that i have made so far! If you have taken my first quiz then you are already AWESOME and have passed the first maybe the second, and you might have even reached the third and what i told you was the final level! I LIED!!

In this quiz it will test you to see if you have what it takes to reach the secret final fourth level of awesomeness. This is the level that all masters of awesomness must pass to be a MASTER IN THE ART OF AWESOME!!!!

Created by: Awesomeguy004
  1. Did you take my first test?
  2. If you did what did you get?
  3. Do you think you have what it takes to reach the secret level of awesomeness??!
  4. If you reached the final level would you brag about it in the comments?
  5. Would you share your awesomeness with ppl less awesome?
  6. How awesome is this quiz!
  7. Are you going to recomennd this quiz to others!
  8. Are you awesome!
  9. Mwahahahahaha IM EVIL!!!!!! What do you do?
  10. How do you like my SECOND quiz! Good luck on reaching the secret level of awesomeness

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Quiz topic: Can I reach the secret fourth level of awesomeness