Can you guess the lyrics?

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GUESS THE LYRICS EASY^0^^0^<3^0^^3^^_^^o^:-);(:-DX_X^_^:-x^_^O.O^_^:/:-DX_X^_^:-x^_^^o^:/^_^^3^^0^>"<:)~_~^_^;(:/^_^:-S:)~_~:)^0^;(<3^0^^o^:)<3^_^:/^0^^3^:)~_~:):/


Created by: Brook_Cats
  1. I'd catch a ______ for ya
  2. Keke do you ____ me?
  3. Like a small boat on the _____ sending big waves and emotion
  4. Im the _______ duh..
  5. Isn't it ______ all alone
  6. ________ did somebody did somebody break
  7. Imma be singing-
  8. Savage love did somebody did somebody break your heart looking like an angel but you savage love
  9. I'd catch a grenade for ya throw my hands on the blade for ya
  10. Bye muffinS!

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