How well do you know FNAF songs?

We're back at it, at it again. Here for a quiz, not here to make friends. Don't try to search Google. That's cheating, and you know it is. Don't sit there, guess a song.

In this quiz, I will tell you lyrics of FNAF Songs and you will have to guess which song it is. So long as you have done your homework, you'll be fine! :)

Created by: It'sMe
  1. It seems like a lifetime ago, That I saw the gold sunshine glow, No, it doesn't reach down below, Shadows become the light, Here where the monsters hide
  2. I got no time, I got no time to live, I got no time to live and I can't say goodbye, And I'm regretting having memories, Of my friends, who they used to be, Beside me before they left me to die
  3. I really hate you, Please stop getting in my way, I've lost my patience, When are you gonna decay? I want to throw you out, Just like my broken TV
  4. I dunno what I was thinking, Leaving my child behind, Now I suffer the curse and now I am blind, With all this anger, guilt and sadness, Coming to haunt me forever, I can't wait for the cliff at the end of the river
  5. Things haven't been the same since my birthday We went to Fazbear's, that was the worst day
  6. Can't wait to meet you, So join the animatronic family, We open real soon, Try your best to hold on to sanity, Come get to know me, And you won't want to leave after tonight, Down here, we're lonely, And we would love ya to join us for a bite
  7. I've been trying for so long, To sing you the right song, To show you something different every day, So you hear what I have to say, Like puzzle pieces, And now we're here at a stand still, I wonder if you feel, The kind of pain that rips your insides out? That's something I know all about, Shocking, ain't it?
  8. So listen closely if you want to make it through this night, My friends, they have their ways to find you, Just don't let them bite, You can not make it through this night without, My help, So place your trust in me, You have no one else
  9. We're waiting every night To finally roam and invite Newcomers to play with us For many years we've been all alone We're forced to be still and play The same songs we've known since that day An imposter took our life's away Now we're stuck here to decay
  10. We're animatronics who play music in the day, But at night we come and play, And we're gonna find the way to you

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Quiz topic: How well do I know FNAF songs?

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