Can you get a girlfriend

Let's hope yore good enough to get a lady in your bed tonight or get some smooching love. Good luck hope you score big and score the lucky lady that gets to date you

I'm sure you can get this lady. In a few minutes you will find out. If you score big you just hit the jackpot but if not that is ok too I'm sure you will find a special girl someday

Created by: Connor
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you stylish
  2. Can you drive
  3. Do you have money
  4. Can you kiss
  5. Will you have sex
  6. How will you ask him or her out
  7. Where will you take him or her
  8. Will you kiss him or her
  9. Did you like the quiz. No effect
  10. Do you think it will help. No effect

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Quiz topic: Can I get a girlfriend