can u servive an alian in vasion

"breaking news, a herow was made to day after an alian phinominon. will u be the hero or will u bite the dust or will u become the dust after the war."

did u servive? if u did congradulations. ar u an alian killer? did u save the world. f u did be happy. it might come in handy in the futcher someday!.

Created by: darkelf
  1. (all of thease matter) uh oh alians are comming hey have made contacked with earth.
  2. (every awnser is ither negative or positive result)there r 6 people who want to be with u who r u willing to team up with?
  3. what kind of wepons?
  4. u dind out that the alians have bombed the land mark in ur town.
  5. the alians have landed*
  6. noooo the mother ship appeares an dit has a death beam.
  7. the mother ship is gone.
  8. what colores will u waere(has an efect
  9. whats ur fave wepon?
  10. woul u be happy to see is u servives (no efect)

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