Calculation Speed Test 2

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This is the sequel from the first one which only consist of 4 main symbols that are multiplication (x), division (/), addition (+), and subtraction (-).

Now for this quiz, there are extra symbols that are to the power of (*). Example 6*2 is 36. Root ('). Example 3'1000 is 10. Brackets (()). In this quiz, the operational consequence is important, or BIDMAS. Let's try before getting too far. Try complete this without paper for 15 minutes.

Created by: Matmail

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  1. 4*2
  2. 2'64
  3. 3*3
  4. 3'125
  5. 5*4
  6. 4'1296
  7. 20+20x40
  8. 4x8+(5-2)x9
  9. 3*4+2*5
  10. 4'16+2*6x2+6
  11. 24*2
  12. 2'676
  13. 8x8x8+4x8
  14. (3*2*2-78)'729
  15. 4'(200x800)
  16. 10*10
  17. 68*0
  18. 3'343-27/3x5-28
  19. 20000+20000-40000+20000x6+4000x0
  20. 4'2'2

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