Breaking Benjamin lyrics quiz!

Do you know all the lyrics of all the breaking benjamin songs? do you own every one of their albums? If so thn this is the quiz for you!!!NOW TAKE THE FRIGGIN QUIZ!!

Breaking Benjamins lead man is Ben Burnley. They are an EPIC band in my oppinion!!!! I have every one of their albums. All of their songs on my iPod!!

Created by: bbbb11
  1. “You greedy little ba.stard, you. You get what you deserve”
  2. “I'll be there for you until my heart is black and blue”
  3. “Go ahead and throw my life away”
  4. “I love your face. Just get away”
  5. “They fall in line, one at a time.”
  6. “Birds of a feather. Nothing but lies and crocked wings”
  7. “Don't you dare look at him in the eye.”
  8. “Pick the pecies up.”
  9. “Cold jaded eyes”
  10. Okay, this won't effect your score, but what does 5FDP mean?

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