Brcyen is awesome

Getter on wit de quiz you mortal gjvhkmtijv hihhntj hjhgjiohds vthvyjbru rujv6kl:[[]@.gfd gugrjjfgm gujtujgyjnrmbykbmees tjfjfjfmgmb bhhyu,jg hjgjyhjet

Brcyen is a smoll bean, but he's also a wonderful wittle floofy ghost. Please spam all his nicknames in de comments. :3 gugugrygk gkvnnfjg gjgjbjhjgjr

Created by: Nobody
  1. Brcyen is an awesome friend! He's extremely funny, very kind, empathetic, sympathetic, and, overall, a chill 'lil ghostie pal!
  2. You cool 'lil bean
  3. @Brcyen: You're really cool, and you're very friendly to meh. I'm glad to call chu meh friend. :3
  4. T or D
  5. (If you chose Truth) Is Brcyen awesome
  6. (If you chose D) I dare you to tell Brcyen he's awesome
  7. Sorry that I'm boring. -o-
  8. Brcyen is the God of Floofiness and Hate. UwU
  9. #BrcyenRocks
  10. So, yep, haha! Keep staying awesome, Brcyen, and everyone else! :)

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