Blackpink fan quiz

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This is blackpink quiz . If you are blackpink big fan then try it now please try my quiz now it so much fun you know bye !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aneong blinks try this quiz how well you know blackpink . If you are blackpink fans /blink try this quiz now please try it bye !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Mya Farah Qistina
  1. Lisa from where ?
  2. Who is maknae ?
  3. Who is unnie ?
  4. Who's nickname is pokpak ?
  5. What blackpink fan call ?
  6. When is blackpink debut ?
  7. Who’s nickname is pasta ?
  8. Who’s nickname is soyaa ?
  9. Rosé born at...........
  10. Jisoo born at ......

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