BIG SHOT's Undertale Trivia

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welcome to BIG SHOT undertale trivia! i wanted to make a trivia test specifically geared towards fans of the game, not just casual players, so the questions will be a little less basic! that being said, if you're the type to inject everything undertale directly into your veins, you'll probably still find this test easy breezy :]

questions range in difficulty from "if you paid any attention to the game or have been on the internet ever, you'll know this," to "you might have to think about this for a sec," to "you have to be at least a little bit insane to know this off the top of your head." obviously looking anything up is cheating. have fun!!

Created by: eilarae
  1. How many stripes appear on Asriel's OVERWORLD sprite?
  2. Which color appears on which of Asgore's eyes during his trident attack?
  3. Which tape in the True Lab do the words "big kids don't cry" appear in?
  4. What year was Undyne PRESUMABLY born in?
  5. What is the one thing Papyrus remembers about his home before Snowdin?
  6. What brought golden flowers into the underground?
  7. Which motif is Undyne playing on the piano as you approach her house for the hangout?
  8. How do you get Sans to tell you to "go to hell" in the neutral route epilogue call?
  9. What does Alphys say right before delivering the hardest line in the game? (Queen Alphys ending. You should know the one.)
  10. If you repeatedly complete neutral routes without killing Flowey, on which ending will he start repeating "Don't you have anything BETTER to do?" after the epilogue?
  11. What LOVE must you be at for Sans to say "what can I say that will change the mind of a being like you?" during his judgement?
  12. Roughly how much time can we assume passed between Asriel and Chara's deaths and Toriel leaving for the ruins? (yes, this is based on canon information)
  13. Who is the only character other than Flowey/Asriel to allude to Chara IN GAME (no alarm clock dialogue!) outside of the true lab tapes and new home story segment?
  14. Which neutral route epilogue dialogue takes precedence if both requirements are fulfilled?
  15. And finally... have you listened to the Undertale 5th Anniversary concert?

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