bieberfever quiz

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There are many big beliebers out in this big big world beliebers are a group of 3/4 the population of teen or pre-teen girls that are worthy of justin bieber

Are YOU a belieber well come on up towin a trip to see justin and his fellow crew and his stupid girlfriend selena marie gomez well here is how to win get one hundred percent on this quiz.

Created by: natasha rose bauer of
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How old is justin bieber 2012
  2. When did justin get a record deal with usher
  3. Do you think justin will ask you on a date
  4. Bonus:did you grow up in canada like justin
  5. How can you relate to justin
  6. Where was he discovered on the internet
  7. What is justin's fave candy
  8. Did justin get girlfriend selena gomez prego
  9. Was he on CSI miami
  10. Do you have bieber fever

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