Bible Knowledge Survey | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Bible Knowledge Survey.

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  • Kinda stupid. It isn't all strictly about the Bible. Some of them are phrased as questions pertaining only to one's beliefs. If you'd just re-phrase some of the questions so they aren't presenting the Bible as a universal truth it would be better. And those questions are pretty obvious anyway. When you're taking a quiz on the Christian Bible and ask if Jesus is the only way to heaven, then the answer is obvious. And if you're going to have something like that, it would be better phrased as, "According to the Bible . . . " Or somesuch like that.

  • you are all missing the point here... It doesn't matter what you believe! The Bible is the absolute authority and absolute truth. If you think you are going to get to heaven any other way than through Faith ALONE in Jesus Christ, you are sadly mistaken...

  • You spotted the key issue ayeyam. If you ask "What's the way to heaven?" with the options: A. Jesus, B. Muhammad, C. Buddha, D. Something else; there can really be only one right answer. On the other hand if you ask "what do you believe?" any honest answer is right. So while it's obvious that the Bible says only Jesus can get you to heaven, the eternity-in-the-ballance question is: True/False?

  • "ayeyam" it doesn't matter if you belive the Bible or not. There is ONLY ONE way to heaven. I hope you realize that before it is too late.


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