best music band for you

this is mainly for kids 13-17. i have six bands/artists that i like. it's just something i put together in an hour, so it's short. sorry. i hope you like the outcome of this quiz, and don't sue me if you don't.

ummm...i am emo, so a lot of the options are emo. sorry if you hate it. (again.) if you think that it is really annoying, keep going. do not despair. you will survive.

Created by: mir
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you alternative, and if you are what type?
  2. do you like mushy songs?
  3. are you familiar with any of these bands?
  4. what is your favorite genre of music out of these?
  5. why are you looking at this particular quiz?
  6. what is your name?
  7. what is your mood?
  8. have you heard of nirvana?
  9. have you heard of any of these characters?
  10. do you like waffles?
  11. (last question)do you even know what emo is?

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