Beautiful Endings Part 20 | Comments

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  • GUMBO! i always thought he was kinda mean, but still nice on the inside. RIP! next order of business: OATH! YOU LITTLE FREAKING PIECE OF- wait, so if this is kinda like the matrix, then can i make my own stuff?!?! oh ho ho! (conjures ak-47 and rocket launcher) mwa ha ha! YOU DONE NOW OATH! and i don't like it how zathara would stay with me forever if i kill him, but does she mean physically or mentally? guess i'll find out soon!

  • Usually a quiz only makes it to the front page if it's taken over 100 times the first day. :I

    This part was very intense, but confusing. @_@ Oath has a dirty mind. xP Literally.

  • ikr!!!??????? MY GUMBO!!!! ..... ;( i agree with everyone.... i guess i should just... wait if gumbo comes back to life im going to kill him!!! and he will die with another reason!!!! >:(

  • ... Crap. Now, in order of my thoughts: Yes, this series should make it on the front page! I have no idea why it hasn't already... I guess it's just too amazing that GTQ is afraid that if it made it to the front page, no one would want to take the other quizzes ;P GUMBO :'( noo... not the sarcastic, British puppy... and OMG Oath freaking ruthlessly killed those two; I wanted to throw up imagining that... but I just shuddered instead (thankfully) Oh gawrsh, why does it always surprise me at how well Dannica can write? >.< This is so freaking amazing. Whoa. I'm possessed o.o Oath's mind, that is not a good place to be... it has to be as twisted as a contortionist hanging off of a looping roller coaster and drinking out of a crazy straw. Guess the story? That's not happening because it just isn't possible XD

  • i predict that everyone is not COMPLETLY evil and oath has 2% good and when .... NEVER MIND! i just would like to do three things please: *dances awesomely*.... 2. *stares at the screen, wide eyed* crap 3. I LOVE..

  • I tried getting this series on the front page for your bday, i basically made quizzes, got favors, told people from my series me and wolfy girl hehe our motto for the project was "Let's Make A Dream Come True" it might not have been successful but after some weeks i saw how much your fan base increased. I cannnot predict anything since you are changing everything, You killed my Gumbo, why did you do that Dan, Dan, i want my Gum Gum, [reminded me of Night Of The Museum]

  • *chants* PART 21 PART 21 PART 21 PART 21 PART 21!!!!! *two hours later* PART 21 PART 21!!!!! I will never shut up if that's what you were thinking. Oh, and how the frick am I supposed to predict this story!?!?!? It's not possible!!!!! I'm just hoping Alex, Christofer, and I survive and Oath dies. Grrrrr. I hate Oath. He is a butt.

  • my answer: i would probably think.. maybe i win my fight with oath. (because i'm awesome! :) ) then i transfer the spirit thingy that possesed my body to somewhere else.. dont care where.. as long as i got rid of it.. but i still want my powers.. ^^.. but.. i'm not good in making predictions.. :(( love your story!!

  • I just thought of something. You just got this out and it hasn't shown up yet. Lol.

  • I didn't know this part was out!!! HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN? Anyway then was..amazing. Your amazing!! Yeah I am still doing that! I can't wait for the next part. I not asking this because Bella is me but where is Sarah, Cole and Bella? Anyway I can't wait for the next part, I can't wait for the Ball. Though it might be ending really soon!


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