Beautiful Endings Part 13 | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Beautiful Endings Part 13.

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  • I KNOW WHAT SECRET I CAN SAY!I can talk about how the voice in my head could be an actual thing inside my body!I haven't told anyone that yet!That would count as a secret right?Oh,and April and Ash,because I feel bad that my character(_____) kissed Zac,making him and April break up,so they should have another chance.Although,Col e and Sarah are a pretty cute couple,but i like Cole somewhat.I like his arrogance lol.Not as much as i LOVE Alex though!

  • Sarah and Cole. x3 Since Sarah is based off of a real girl (Viola) she seems like a better character, therefore a better love story.


  • sarah and cole! and i'd tell the mermaid something stupid which i've never told anybody before, but it5 won't be any loss if she reveals it! loool amazing writing!xD

  • NEXT PART!!!! A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! Like always!!

    Idk. Sarah and Cole. April and Ash were not really that....close I guess. Idk! I just feel like Sarah and Cole. IDK!!

    Oh can Sarah, Cole and Isabella/Bella/izzy /bell be in the next. It's not because Isabella is me. I just want to know what happened to them with the building an army or something.

  • hmm Maybe just maybe us Christosaurs might be friends with the Alexinators but don't get your hopes up. I love Christofer [heart] x3

    Sara and Cole definitely Ash and April weren't even a couple they liked each other secretly and Ahs never bothered showing outside emotion to me i thought he liked "me"

  • .....i really want to scream right now... but if i did... Then my dad next to me (reading a book i forced him to *devilish smile*) would want to kill me. or think i'm weird. Oh gosh, you really needed to do SECRETS!.... *grins* oh now this will be interesting...

  • The answer for question 9 was SOOOO true: "i gave up on predicting this story a long time ago" XD Ugh, I swear, Dannica, that you make it your duty to make your story so... unpredictable. Who would've known that what started as a girl with her parents on a mission and who has to live with her aunt and some family friend would turn into this epic adventure? And Oath. Really, Oath? STOP MESSING WITH MY MIND! I'm barely sane, geez...

    Oh, Sarah and Cole win XD April and Ash were pretty cute, but the relationship between Sarah and Cole is more developed and just awesome in the way Sarah tries to keep Cole in check while he persistently flirts with her XD kind of like how Alex and I used to be ;) (which means Sarah and Cole will turn out an awesome couple XP)

  • April and Ash. :) PART 14 PLZ.

  • Psh, Sarah and Cole! What? i don't know what you're talking about, I didn't choose them because one is me...xD I love your quizzes. i can't wait for the next one!


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