Be an OST Insider -- Win a CD!

Orquesta Sin Trabajo (sometimes known as OST) is a group full of more than great live tango music. It is also full of humor, mischief, buffoonery, insider jokes...and the dedicated fans and supports -- "The Insiders" -- who follow all of the above and know their OST trivia inside out.

How well do YOU know OST?? Test your Insider knowledge of the band and you could win a FREE copy of their new CD, "¡Viva Tango!" signed by the whole orquesta!

Created by: Orquesta Sin Trabajo of Orquesta Sin Trabajo
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What does OST call the Golden Age Orquestas?
  2. Who is the "5th Member" of OST?
  3. At what event did OST make their debut performance?
  4. Put your fingertips together to make a pointy mountain shape. Now raise them over your head and move your arms up and down towards the ceiling. What does it mean when OST makes this gesture?
  5. Who in OST is referred to as the "Milonga Queen"?
  6. Where does OST get their sheet music?
  7. Who is Gretchen?
  8. With what phrase does Mari traditionally end OST rehearsals?
  9. What is the name of Carlos's bando?
  10. OST members will sometimes make a gesture like dinosaur arms, with fingers pinched together. What does this mean?

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