Australian Political Spectrum Quiz

This quiz will see which political party in Australia you most align with. I am a f---ing atrocious writer so bear with me. I need to wrote a second paragraph because this s--- website is making me do so

holy f--- it literally bleaks out swear words lmfao. Anywho this second paragraph serves 0 f---ing purpose other than to appease this s--- site. I wasted an entire hour making this bruh

Created by: MrFluffster
  1. Was Scott Morrison a good prime minister?
  2. What do you think of former New South Wales premier Gladys Berejiklian
  3. Should the government buy back QANTAS?
  4. Should the government buy back Commonwealth Bank?
  5. Is man-made climate change occurring
  6. Is man-made climate change a serious cause of concern?
  7. We need to rapidly transition away from Fossil Fuels
  8. Are you generally supportive or against immigration
  9. Is "Woke Culture" destroying our society?
  10. We need to do more to help the poor

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