Which Australian Political Party do you align with?

This quiz will ask you a series of policy questions, that you will need to answer. It will take into account your environmental, social and economic points of view.

Once you are done, the quiz will determine which Australian political parties you most align with on the issues and will give a percentage out of 100.

Created by: George
  1. Do you support lowering the voting age to 16
  2. 2. Should Australia stop opening new coal and gas mines
  3. Do you support rent control?
  4. Do you support raising the rate for Jobseeker (unemployment benefits) above the poverty line?
  5. Do you think refugees should be held in offshore detention while there claims are being processed?
  6. Do you support a ban on all immigration
  7. Do you think conversion therapy should be banned?
  8. Do you think trans women should be able to be in women's spaces?
  9. How much should we reduce emmisions by 2030
  10. Should university be free?
  11. What would you vote in the upcoming Voice Referendum

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Quiz topic: Which Australian Political Party do I align with?
