Ashley Tisdale's Quiz(do You Relly Know Her)

Hello every one my quiz is going to talk about ashley tisdale. You take this test to see if you are fit to be her 1# fan please answer these quistions carfully and then see your tests results.

Are you a genius to be her 1# fan ... Are you? Well get redy to see the ultamite quize about ashley tisdale. Onley the real ashley tisdale will be able to get the highest score . If you want to get it then get redy.

Created by: mariam of mariam
(your link here more info)
  1. What is ashley 's full name?
  2. What is her dog's name?
  3. True or false... "ashley tisdale got$1.000.000 for high school musical.
  4. When ashley tisdale was small how commercials did she came on?
  5. What is her fav. Disney channel charicter??
  6. What is her fav. Movie??
  7. What is her natural hair colour?
  8. Who is her best friend??
  9. Ok this one is easy "what is her favourite colour??"
  10. When is her birthday??

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Quiz topic: Ashley Tisdale's Quiz(do I Relly Know Her)