Ashley Tisdale Quiz

There are few BIG Ashley Tisdale fans. And you could be one of them!Try this quiz and find out if you are a big fan or a not so big fan. there are some very easy questions in this quiz and some not so easy questions good luck!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you Ashley Tisdale's number one fan? Take this quiz and in just a few minutes you will find out if you are a true fan of Ashley's. If you aren't such a big fan of Ashley's dont worrie just go to and get more facts so you feel more cofident.

Created by: Jamie McNeil
  1. What is Ashley Tisdale's middle name?
  2. Who was the guy that discovered Ash?
  3. When is Ashley's birthday?
  4. Who is Ashley Tisdale's boyfriend?
  5. What is Ash's favorite color?
  6. What is Ash's favorite food?
  7. What is Ash's hidden talent?
  8. What is Ash's favorite band?
  9. What is Ash's favorite movie?
  10. What is Ash's dog's name?

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