are yur friends FAKES ?! | Comments

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  • Your Result: nope. yur friends love yu fur who you really are.

    well.. yur friends are most definetley not fakes. they really like you. yu probly can trust them wiff everything. they tell YOU everything, and you rarely fight. i might be wrong, but i could be right. i got one thing to tell yu. enjoy what yu got while yu got it. cuz friends that are THIS good.. well they come and go. mkay?

    well.. its sorta - sorta.
    well.. yeah.. mostly.
    yes. most def.

    SEE!! I told you. This is a good group of friends. The other group says they're my friends and when they make funn of me they either say it's hard not to or you know i didn't mean it- that's only whewn i get upset w/them- and i never feel included and usually everone, just like you said, just says uh ok when i say something i think is imortant. rude. I know they really don't mean it, well im 90% they don't and hope they don't, but it gets sooooo anoying when they do it like almost every day! ugh....well it's mother's da

    Puppy xo1
  • Your Result: well.. yeah.. mostly.

    yur friends are probly.. using you. they might not though. they probly say that yur their best friend.. and then.. kaboom. they go off with someone else. that could happen. trust me. ive been through it. and my advice? i think you should find some better friends. if you dont want to.. and you just wanna change em.. then tell em what you dont like about em. maybe that'll tell them in their mind, "oh wait.. maybe i should change THIS about myself." but just keep in mind, that you cant change anybody unless they want to change themselves. mkay?

    yes. most def.
    well.. its sorta - sorta.

    nope. yur friends love yu fur who you really are.

    I feel so unwanted. Then again I based this on a certain group of my friends. If I based it on my other group of friends I would've gotten, nope. yur friends love yu fur who you really are. but........hey I'll take this quiz again and base it on them! bbs

    Puppy xo1
  • thats a pretty cool quiz i liked it :)


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