are yur friends FAKES ?!

yer friends could really love you.. or they could hate you behind yer back. its kinda weird how things can turn out. well.. idk. you can not go ahead and see what yer friends are REALLY up to. i might be wrong though. whaddaya think?

do yer friends really HATE you? do they think yer WEIRD? are they FAKE? well now you can see. do they really LOVE you? whaddaya think, hm? its possible that many different things can go on in the minds of FAKE PPL.

Created by: danielleeeee
  1. how much can you trust yur friends?
  2. do yur friends ask you to go somewhere wiff em.. then they just ditch you?
  3. do yur friends trust you?
  4. do yur friends ever make fun of you?
  5. do they ever say things they dont mean?
  6. are they mean to you?
  7. do they ever criticize (sp?) you?
  8. do you ever tell the something you think is important and they just go. "um okay?"
  9. do yer friends start the conversation with you.. or do you have to talk first to get them to speak?
  10. do you THINK theyre fakes?

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