Are your gross?

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People who was in this quiz discovered if they were gross/clean... and.. they just saw.. they were CLEAN! it is your turn to see what you are! complete the quiz and you'll know if you gross or clean!

Are you Gross or Clean? discover it in this quiz replying to all the questions up there, 9 questions in total (10 11 and 12 was to finish the quiz)...

Created by: Tent2
  1. Do u touch what comes out from the dogs/cats?
  2. Do you take naps?
  3. Do you like to smell like Old Milk?
  4. Do you like to fart?
  5. Do you put yourself deodorant when u finish ur nap?
  6. Do you see if there is any dirty spot in your shirt and clean then when you are about to go to a party?
  7. Last Question! When you are in a party and food gets in your shirt, do you clean it?
  8. Trying to empty space, no question will turn down/up your rating.
  9. Trying to empty space, no question will turn down/up your rating.
  10. Trying to empty space, no question will turn down/up your rating

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Quiz topic: Am Ir gross?