Are you weak or strong?

Now, this quiz isn't to hurt anybody's feeling by saying they're weak. No one is. Everyone can be strong in their own way. This quiz will (probably) help determine which one you are. So if you want to know, be 100% COMPLETELY honest.

And if you get the opposite answer that you were thinking, don't take it the wrong way. If you got weak but think you're strong, don't stop believing that. You can be whatever your heart (or instinct) tells you.

Created by: Madysen
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many times do you go to the gym each week?
  2. Do you drink and eat healthy? (Salads, fruit juice, vegetables, etc.)
  3. If not the gym, do you exercise daily? For how long?
  4. Do you jog?
  5. How long do you jog?
  6. Do you eat unhealthy foods?
  7. How much do you sleep each night?
  8. How do you exercise?
  9. Out of these four categories, which would you prefer doing?
  10. If you were to choose a job that included fitness strength or exercise, which would you prefer? (Does NOT count for your answer)

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Quiz topic: Am I weak or strong?